Mi Casa Su Casa Bed and Breakfast Reservation Service, has enjoyed helping travelers for over 30 years. Ruth Young has selected to list some of the best B&Bs in Arizona and Las Vegas, Nevada. In the web pages, you will find full descriptions and pictures of the B&Bs with ID numbers. Some B&Bs have weekly and monthly rates. Examples of luxurious, moderate and modest. Visit our Web site 
Office Hours: Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (MST)
At other times, our answering system is available to take messages


Address: P.O. Box 950

City: Tempe

State: (Arizona) AZ

Postal Zip Code: 85280

Country: USA


Innkeeper: Ruth Young

Toll Free: 1-800-456-0682

Phone: 1 480-990-0682